Elena Irving, sculptor, painter and poet. A study of her art uncovers the psychological as she examines the hopes, dreams and motivations in the human psyche. Looking into Elena’s range of mediums; bronze sculpture, oil painting, pastel, water color, etching and drawing, we can see a searching into the inner depths of life forces driving us forward. Her “Street People” series captures certain elements and undercurrents of big city life and Elena’s nudes examine self awareness in graceful female forms. Her “Mother and Child” series explores that eternal bond of first love as a mother’s gift to her child. In a tribute to the role of woman, Elena’s life size bronze sculpture, “The Good Spirit in the World as Woman” expresses the artist’s intention of woman as a primary power, an idealized version of what every woman should be as a goddess of compassion and understanding. Elena’s “Malibu”, “Northern California” and “New England” seascapes and landscapes describe the awesome relevance of nature and her brilliant flower paintings reveal intensities of colorful blossoms at the peak of glory. Living for a time in Latin America, she depicted indigenous elements of the society in sculpture and pastel and the resilience of the people and the land.
A selected list of Elena Irving’s commissions to create special commemorative pieces include: The California Museum of Science and Industry, for her Olympic poster “Freedom Through Sports, Science and Industry” celebrating Olympic athletes; The Childhelp USA Foundation, for her life size bronze, “Nucleus of the Social Spirit, Mother and Child” commemorating the Foundation’s work with abused children; the Santa Marta Hospital Foundation, for her bronze “Life Spirit” in honor of dedicated doctors and nurses in the medical profession and The International Committee for the Los Angeles Philharmonic, for her bronze “Spirit of Understanding” as a tribute to the spirit of cooperation between the United States and Canada. A true Renaissance woman, Elena Irving has been a fine art critic and columnist, is a member of the Greater Los Angeles Press Club and published poet and a Judge in art competitions for paintings, sculpture, graphics and photography.

Copyright © 2010 Elena Irving