“my soul is from elsewhere,
I’m sure of that…” Rumi
The shape of a young woman evolves
with proud posture, strong shoulders
full breast and hips
her face framed in flowing waves
of shoulder length hair
hours pass, my hands manipulate
warm clay on the modelling stand
the sculpture progresses
without awareness of time
I move to the face, expressive lips,
smooth the eyebrow line
with a curved tool, then the eyes
step back in surprise; her bold gaze
directed out to me from the clay
with an intensity of perception;
an unexpected sensation of life
her lips turned up at the corners
in a half smile, or is it a question;
the channeling of a woman
I do not know
a personality evolved
not of my own intellectual intent
a transference
from warm hands into the form
of a restless ghost
from out the constellation
demanding to manifest?
or in the expression
is there kin to an apparition
of my own spirit,
part of the unacknowledged self
forcing attention.
Finished I leave the studio for the day
come back the next
with a thought to solve the mystery
she stands there
determined, a firm resolve;
the answer still elusive
and will take a longer study
to decipher.